Product Filters 1.0.9 Release Notes
Product Filters 1.0.9 Release Notes
Price filters 1.0.9 contains fixes, improvements and new features.
NOTE: If you are using CubeCart version 6.5.0 or later the Product Filter module 1.0.7 or newer version must be used. If using earlier versions of CubeCart Product Filters 1.0.6 or earlier must be used.
New Features
- Added the ability to add/update internal notes against various filter data. This is useful in helping to keeping track of more complex filter model data.
- A new feature named Type Grouping has been added to the module
- Type grouping allows you to use dynamic filter generated content using the needle and haystack model to generatesubcategory like content.
- Type grouping is a way of allowing you to build sub-category like content from dynamic filter driven menu content. Type Grouping can be enabled at either the Filter Group level, or the Filter Type level. When the specific filter group link is clicked, or the filter type filter is applied the filter type feature will be triggered.
- The applicable filter types which contain valid products are then presented to the customer in the same way as a sub-category. For Filter Types you can optionally select a Type Grouping Image. The image will then be displayed as a sub-category image. Clicking the sub-category style link/image will take the customer to the filtered product list. Sample copy/paste code has been provided below should you wish to use this feature. The code will likely need to be modified to your own store theme look and feel.
- Longer links generated by the SEO path build process would generate an error related to duplicate content in the CubeCart SEO database table. This issue is resolved. See Enhancements below for more detail
- If a store is using a file extension in the SEO store configuration, the SEO extension may sometimes be included in the URL itself towards the start, middle and end. This creates extra long links and bad SEO paths. This is resolved.
- On newer CubeCart version when attempting to apply a filter, in some cases the filter would not apply and the customer is redirected to a not found page. An update to the sample box.filters template code has been made to resovle this issue. You may need to make a minor change to your store theme in order for the module to apply filters correctly on the storefront.
- The opening form HTML code for the element has changed to use AVAILABLE_FILTERS_FORM_URLinstead of VAL_SELF.
- The copy/paste code example has been updated with the change, you can review by clicking the Click here for sample code link for the box.filters.php file found in the Install Guide tab of the module
- Long URL support. In some cases, in more complex stores it may be possible to generate very long URL's. This can cause the URL's to get trimmed which results in duplicate URL's and thus some pages not being available. The module now detects if a URL will be longer than 256 characters and adds a hash to the end of the link. This keeps the URL below the character limit and also keeps it unique.
- Support for PHP versions 8.2 and 8.3 have been added in this release
- IMPORTANT: Although we try to avoid direct code changes to enable a module, due to the way the CubeCart SEO system is designed in 6.5 we have had to add a manual step to the install guide. Please review the Install Guide tab of the module and pay special attention to any REQUIRED steps.
Upgrade Instructions
- Delete the product_filters directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the files found in the downloadable zip file.
OR - Auto update using the CubeCart marketplace