Product Filters 1.0.10 Release Notes

Product Filters 1.0.10 Release Notes

Price filters 1.0.10 contains improvements and new features.

NOTE: If you are using CubeCart version 6.5.0 or later the Product Filter module 1.0.7 or newer version must be used. If using earlier versions of CubeCart Product Filters 1.0.6 or earlier must be used. 

New Features

  1. Added a new setting to Promote This Item within product configuration. When the Promote This Item setting is enabled, the item will appear at the top of the filtered products regardless of other default sort order. If a customer modifies the sort order of products the item will respect the resort.
    1. For Promote This Item to work correctly, the store default sort order should be set to sort by Price ASC


  1. Performance improvement by reducing the volume of data required by the filter module
  2. The schedule CRON job has been improved


Upgrade Instructions

  1. Delete the product_filters directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the files found in the downloadable zip file.
  2. Auto update using the CubeCart marketplace
  3. Via the store admin area, Navigate to Manage Extensions -> Product Filters module. This triggers a data cleanup step to unlock the performance improvement. Depending on the size of your store and volume of filter data, the screen may freeze or hang at this step for a while. This is expected whilst the module rebuilds filter data in the background.Once the rebuild has completed the module will work as per usual.




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