Ebay Sales 4.0.0 Release Notes

Ebay Sales 4.0.0 Release Notes

Ebay Sales 4.0.0 is a major update to earlier versions as indiciated by the move from version numers 3.x to 4.x. 

All 1.x, 2.x and 3.x versions of the Ebay Sales modules will cease to function on the 1st of July 2021 due to changes being implemented by Ebay.  Ebay will stop support for APPID based authorization by June 30th 2021. Any Shopping API requests submitted with APPID based authorization will fail starting July 1st 2021. Essentially this means the way earlier versions of the module authenticated with Ebay is depreciated and will no longer be supported by Ebay.

As of July 1st 2021, all 1.x, 2.x and 3.x versions of Ebay Sales will no longer be supported.


New Features

  • The process to link the Ebay account with Ebay Sales was always a little clunky.. as part of moving to oAuth the accoung linking process has been entirely rebuilt to make it easier.
  • Added a CRON (scheduled) job which now handles the majority of the interactions between Ebay and your store. The scheduled task contains the following steps:
    • Once per hour the job will updated cached Ebay data. this will keep things in sync autonomously rather than always needing to use the Update Cached Ebay Data button manually. The button still exists and can be used as/when needed.
    • Revises listings on Ebay
    • Ends listings on Ebay (if configured to end listings)
    • Relists inventory on Ebay:
      • Relistings is only applicable to listings that have been ended by the Ebay Sales module, either autonomously or manually via the UI.
      • Relisting can only be used if Ebay Sales is cofigured to end listings.
      • Items that have come back into stock and are now candidates for addition to Ebay will autonomously be relisted. Candidates are items that would normally appear in the Push To Ebay tab and are not already active on Ebay.
  • A new gloobal setting, "Include Tax (VAT) Rates in listings" has been added
    • When enabled, if your inventory is configured to charge VAT, the tax percentage is included in the Ebay Listing. 
      • VAT amounts are set when:
        • listing an item
        • Relisting an item
        • Revising an item
  • A new button, "Force Revise all Active items" has been added. 
    • Once pressed, all inventory known to be active on Ebay is flagged for revision
    • The scheuled CRON job will revise all inventory when it next runs
      • Warning:If you have a significant number of active items it may take quite some time to revise everything. You should modify your CRON schedule so that the job only runs ONCE until all revisions are completed. After which, change the CRON schedule back to your usual settings.  If the CRON job runs multiple times, it's possible the same item on Ebay may be revised multiple times which could rapidly exhaust your API call limits.

Issues resolved

  • Upgrading to a newer version of the module may in some cases break the "Return Days" global setting. This now updates correctly. 


Removed Features:

  • Removed setting "Revise All Active Listings On Save" from HTML templates, use newly added revise all button instead in the event of modifying templates. 



  • Added image thumbnails to the Push to Ebay tab
  • When an item is revised, the additional attributes are now also revised:
    • Images
    • Weights
  • Module revised to use the latest Ebay API version


Upgrade Instructions

  1. Delete the ebay_sales directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the files found in the downloadable zip file.
  2. Navigate to the Ebay Sales module and review the settings in the General tab. 
  3. Remove your license key, save, re-add your license key. This will check the license validity.
  4. IMPORTANT: As part of upgrading to version 4x from version 1x, 2x or 3x you must make the following changes in your Ebay Developer account:
    • Validate your API keys are enabled for oAuth
    • Validate your RuNAME (Auth tokens for Ebay) is enabled for oAuth
    • Update the RuNAME (Auth tokens for Ebay) privay policy URL, auth accepted URL and auth declined URL. Check the Ebay Sales module, General tab at the bottom of the page for the links you need to define. You can copy and paste the links.
  5. After completing step 3, from the Ebay Sales module press the "Link/Relink Ebay Account" button
    • You should be redirected to an Ebay login screen.
    • Login...
    • Accept your own terms and conditions
    • You should be redirected back to the Ebay Sales module and see a future date and time in the "eBay Token Expires" property. 
    • The module is now linked..
    • Press the "Update Cached Ebay Data" button to confirm the module is able to import correctly. You should momentarily see a success message above the Link/Relink Ebay Account button. Success means the module is linked correctly.
  6. Through your web server hosting control panel setup the scheduled CRON job. Check the Ebay Sales module, General tab at the bottom of the page for the correct path to the cron job for your server.
    • Schedule the following PHP script to run ONCE every THREE minutes or longer. (for example 5 or 10 minutes).
    • Once the CRON job is setup, check the timestamp in the property "CRON job last started (UTC)" within the General tab of the module. The time should update every few minutes as the job runs





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