Ebay Sales 1.1.5 Release Notes
Ebay Sales 1.1.5 Release Notes
Ebay sales 1.1.5 contains bug fixes, enhancements and new features. It is recommended that you upgrade to 1.1.5 as soon as possible.
New Features in 1.1.5
- Ebay stock levels are now updated with the CubeCart stock levels should you sell an item via CubeCart.
- Added two new warniing messages to the inventory screen. These are triggered should the plugin detect any duplicate product codes for your inventory.
Enhancements in 1.1.5
- Multiple code enhancements internally within the plugin
- the ebaySession.php file has been renamed to avoid possible conflicts with the ebay orders plugin.
Issues resolved in 1.1.5
- When listings contained multiple variations, under some scenarios not all variations would be listed on Ebay.
- If there were more than 20 active listings on Ebay, the "Filter Active Items" button would not work correctly
- The stock level of matrix variations was not always honored.
- The automated end listing functionality would sometimes throw an error in the CubeCart error log and the listing would not be ended.
- Under some scenarios an error would be added to the CubeCart error log when viewing an inventory item with a single domestic shipping option
Upgrade Instructions
- Delete the ebay_sales directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the 1.1.5 files found in the downloadable zip file.
- Naviate to "Manage Hooks" in your store admin area, then click on "ebay_sales", then save. This step enables new hooks added in this release.
Download 1.1.5
Download 1.1.5_plugin_ebay_sales.zip