Bulk Update Sale Prices by Category 1.0.2 Release Notes
Bulk Update Sale Prices by Category 1.0.2 Release Notes
Bulk Update Sale Prices by Category 1.0.2 contains fixes and new features. It is recommended that you upgrade to 1.0.2 as soon as possible.
New Features in 1.0.2
- It is now possible to exclude specific products from the bulk update process. when editing a product a new option is made available called "Exclude Sale Price Bulk Updates". When checked, the product won't have it's sale price modified by the module.
Fixes in 1.0.2
- The module may prevent the CubeCart language system from working correctly. This is now resolved
Upgrade Instructions
- Delete the "Sale_Price_Bulk_Update" directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the 1.0.2 files found in the downloadable zip file.
- Navigate to the module and validate the license key is still showing a valid status (This adds new database dependencies in the background)
Download 1.0.2